Welsh site coming soon.
Putting people first — advocating for the rights of people with learning disabilities and autism
Our Staff Team
Adam Kurowski Wakeford – Operational Manager
​I make sure our staff are doing their jobs right and that they are happy at People First Bridgend.
I make sure People First Bridgend is doing the right activities and the right amount.
I manage People First Bridgend's money.
My bosses are the Board of Trustees and
our Advisory Team.
Tricia Simon – Self-Advocacy Facilitator
I run People First Bridgend's self-advocacy group:
the Advisory Team.
I teach people how to use their own voice to speak-up about important things, like their care and support, where they live and what they do in their day.
This is called self-advocacy.
I make sure meetings are run well and that we talk about the right things.
I also help our Advisory Team teach other people about learning disability and self-advocacy.
Lauren Davies – BSSG Facilitator
I run the Bridgend Spectrum Social Support Group, or BSSG for short!
I help people with autism get to the group and join in.
I make sure BSSG members feel supported and that we are talking about the right things.
I also arrange trips and activities for the group.
Angharad Parr – Advocacy Coordinator
I make sure people know about People First Bridgend, what we do, and how to be part of our groups.
I look for important topics and bring guest speakers to our group. This is to make sure our members are well informed and have their voice heard in issues that matter to them.
I do lots of behind-the-scenes work to make sure our groups are run well, like doing Easy Read, arranging visits and keeping members files up to date.
Email: angharad@peoplefirstbridgend.co.uk
Sandi Mitchell – Independent Professional Advocate
I make sure people are included in choices about their care and support and that they understand what is happening.
I do this by helping them speak-up. Or if they can't use their own voice, I use mine to make sure they are heard.
I support people with social services issues, but also with any other issues where people need help to get what they want.
Email: sandi@peoplefirstbridgend.co.uk
Paul Gingell – Independent Professional Advocate
I make sure people are included in decisions about their care and support. I make sure people can understand and are understood by others.
I help people to speak-up, and if they can't, I speak-up on their behalf.
I can advocate for people in lots of situations. This can be issues with their health and social care, or other issues where they need help to have a voice.